~ Special Stories
~ Barbara's Gift
I was very honored during my last trip to Key Largo, to participate in a Fund Raiser for the Women of the Moose - Key Largo Lodge 2287. We had a fabulous fashion show and a great afternoon at the Island Market Place (where my business is located). I've posted pictures in the photo gallery in case you want to peek. The next day one of the models, Barbara Mungovan, came in and brought me a truly beautiful gift. I would like to share it with all of you. Many of you know that I come from a military family, and I now have a grandson in the Air Force, and another in the Marines. A number of you may not realize all the things that these wonderful women do. Supporting our troops and their families are some of them. I want to personally thank all of them, and ask you to keep our troops and their loved ones in your prayers. -Rori
~ Trans Life
Transgender support, education, and information presented in a fun and entertaining format, by a transgender woman. Product reviews, fashion advice, and interacting with the general public in an effort to enlighten and educate all.
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